Christian Dating Advice for Young Adults: A Guide

christian dating advice for young adults

As a young Christian, dating can feel overwhelming. The pressure to find the “right” person and honor God is huge. But, with the right guidance and faith, dating can be wise and purposeful.

This guide shares my journey and the wisdom of mentors and the Bible. It’s for anyone thinking about dating or already in a relationship. I hope it helps you navigate Christian dating with grace and confidence.

Getting Started With Christian Dating

As a young Christian, dating can be both exciting and a bit scary. When should I start dating? And how do I know if someone is worth dating? These are questions we often ask ourselves.

When Should I Start Dating?

There’s no single answer to when to start dating as a Christian. Some think it’s best to wait until after high school to avoid early heartbreak. Others believe dating in high school helps you learn about yourself and practice self-control. The choice should be made with advice from your parents or church.

How Do You Know He/She’s Worth Dating?

Choosing a partner for Christian dating means looking for certain qualities. Do they share your faith and values? Are they kind, compassionate, and trustworthy? Can you see them as a partner for life? Think about these things with prayer before moving forward.

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

Remember, keep God at the center as you explore Christian dating. Trust in His timing and guidance. He will lead you to the right person in His perfect way.

christian dating

Considering Dating Your Best Friend

As a Christian, dating your best friend can be thrilling and scary at the same time. You already share trust, understanding, and compatibility, which are key for a strong relationship. Yet, turning a friendship into romance comes with big risks that need careful thought.

When thinking about dating your best friend as a Christian, weigh the benefits and risks carefully. The good part is you know each other well, which can make your relationship move faster. But, a failed romance could ruin your close friendship.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” – Jeremiah 17:9

This verse reminds us our hearts can trick us, making us think we’re right when we’re not. Ask yourself: Would I still want to be friends if we couldn’t be together romantically? If not, it’s best to keep it just friends.

Dating your best friend as a Christian is a big decision that needs prayer, advice, and deep thought. Be wise, cautious, and put the friendship first, no matter what happens. The benefits are worth it, but remember the risks. Always keep Christ at the heart of your choices.

Physical Boundaries in Christian Dating

For young Christian couples, dating brings up big questions about physical boundaries. It’s important to know where to set limits and how to keep a relationship godly. The key is to put your commitment to Christ first.

Do I Have to Kiss Him/Her?

Deciding to kiss is very personal. Some Christian couples don’t kiss at all. They do this to keep their physical and emotional closeness focused on Christ. Physical closeness shouldn’t be the main way to show love. Instead, couples should cherish Christ and find other ways to show love without losing purity.

What If We Change Our Minds About Kissing?

Some couples start with certain physical boundaries but might change them as they grow closer. If they start kissing but then decide to stop, talking openly is key. It’s important to respect each other’s feelings and honor the person who is hesitant. Keeping physical boundaries in Christian dating requires balance. With Christ at the center, couples can make wise choices.

The Biblical View on Sex Before Marriage

As Christians, we follow the Bible’s teachings. The Bible is clear on sex before marriage. It calls it sinful and wrong.

In Hebrews 13:4, we learn to honor marriage and keep the marriage bed pure. 1 Corinthians 7:1-3 says sex belongs in marriage. The Sixth Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14), also teaches us to stay pure before marriage.

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” (Hebrews 13:4)

The biblical perspective on premarital sex is clear: wait until marriage for sex. This Christian teaching on sexual purity is a loving guide. It protects us and follows God’s plan for sex.

By following what the bible says about sex before marriage, we show respect for marriage. We also show we’re committed to God’s will.

Thoughts on Purity Rings

Growing up, I remember the significance of purity rings for many of my Christian friends. These rings were a reminder of their commitment to sexual purity before marriage. But my experience with one was different.

As a teenager, I also had a purity ring. It was a way to show my dedication to living a life of sexual integrity. But soon, I found that the ring led to awkward conversations and ridicule from those who didn’t get it.

“Ultimately, purity is more a matter of the heart than an outward symbol. Christians don’t need a purity ring to live in sexual purity – our words, conduct, and relationship with Christ should be the primary witness.”

Now, I see that purity rings for christians aren’t the only or best way to practice sexual purity. There are many other ways to live a pure life without a ring. The significance of purity rings is important, but our actions and heart show true purity, not just what we wear.

The decision to wear a purity ring is personal. But for me, focusing on my relationship with God and honoring Him in my choices was more powerful than any ring. My actions showed my true commitment, not the ring I wore.

Other Boundaries to Watch Out For

In Christian dating, it’s not just about physical boundaries. Emotional and spiritual ones are just as crucial. As we explore relationships, keeping our emotional boundaries in christian dating and spiritual boundaries for christian couples is key.

It’s easy to focus too much on our partner and forget about God. Making our partner an idol can happen quickly. We must remember that our main focus should always be on maintaining focus on christ in a relationship. Regular church attendance, listening to sermons, meeting with friends, taking part in communion, and worshiping together are important.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Keeping Christ at the center helps us avoid a self-focused relationship. It keeps us grounded in our faith. This strengthens our faith and builds a strong, Christ-centered partnership.

Christian dating requires wisdom, discernment, and a commitment to honoring God. By focusing on our spiritual well-being and keeping Christ at the center, we can enjoy a relationship that honors the Lord.

christian dating advice for young adults

Starting your Christian dating journey? Keep these key principles in mind. First, always put God first. Let your relationship with Him be the base of any romantic relationship. Seek advice from mature Christian friends and mentors who truly know you.

Don’t isolate yourself in your relationship. Keep ties strong with your church community. This keeps your perspective healthy and ensures accountability. Focus on growing spiritually with your partner, not just avoiding sin. Let spiritual closeness guide your choices about physical closeness.

Christian dating’s main aim isn’t just to find someone. It’s to honor God and bring glory to Him in your relationships. With these principles in mind, you can navigate dating with wisdom and faith.

The Importance of Church Involvement

As a Christian dating in the world, the role of the local church is key. Being part of a church community brings many benefits that help your relationships grow. It keeps Christ at the center of your life and relationships.

Firstly, going to church regularly means you hear biblical preaching. This preaching convicts you of sin, reminds you of the gospel, and connects you with God. This spiritual food is key for a healthy view on dating and relationships.

Secondly, being with other believers in a church community gives you support, encouragement, and accountability. Having Christian friends who can give advice and guidance is a big help in avoiding dating mistakes.

Thirdly, sharing communion together reminds you that Christ alone is the source of spiritual life. This keeps your dating from becoming more important than your relationship with God.

Finally, worshiping God together in church stops your dating from being the main focus of your spiritual life. Keeping your eyes on the Lord helps you stay focused and avoid idolizing your partner.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

In conclusion, the role of church involvement in Christian dating is huge. By being active in a local church, you can grow closer to God, get support from others, and keep a healthy view on dating.


The key to Christian dating advice for young adults is to keep God central in your life and relationships. Building a strong faith foundation helps you handle dating’s joys and challenges with grace and wisdom.

Seek guidance from mature believers who know you well. They offer honest, biblical advice, even when it’s hard to hear. It’s crucial to stay connected to your local church for accountability and support.

Whether you’re starting to date or have been in a relationship for a while, aim to glorify God in your interactions. Keeping Christ at the core of your dating life gives you the strength and direction to make wise choices. It helps you keep your relationship with Him as your top priority.

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